Get an Appointment With Best Skin Specialist In West Delhi
Dermatosurgery means surgery of the damaged skin, which includes clinic based processing done using local anesthesia. Prior to the treatment an examination is performed to evaluate the extent of the skin damage that is to be cured or treated. A full examination is also performed to check the health of the patient and to be given full information and instructions. Conditions like Cutaneous Horn, Cysts, Verrucas Nevus, Vitiligo, Skin Resurfacing and Scar Correction can be treated by this treatment. At Skinology, we provide treatments for these conditions by using appropriate lasers or surgeries to remove and regenerate the resultant soft tissue damages.
Our practice offers a number of dermatology treatments
Vitiligo Surgeries
Vitiligo Surgical procedures aimed at imparting color to the white patches...
Excision of Cyst
Sebaceous cyst excision is a simple procedure to completely remove the...
Skin Biopsy
A skin biopsy is a procedure in which a small piece of living skin is removed...
Acne Scar Subcision
Acne Scar Subcision / Punch Elevation Subcision is a procedure used by skin …
Carbon Dioxide Laser Ablation
Co2 Laser Ablation / Radio Frequency Ablation for removal of warts, moles,…